
“Rhoda’s contributions and investment in children and teachers has been extensive and made us a better school.”

T. McDonald, Principal

“I see the vast improvement in my students’ writing skills and I think of you.”

A. McNiece, Third grade teacher, staff development participant

“A natural teacher, both with adults and children. Always so generous with her time and expertise.”

L. Levine, Reading Department colleague

“Truly a master teacher.”

L. Bruno, Principal

“You never give up on nobody.”

Andre, Third grade student, mediated learning group

“Her teaching techniques were not only practical, but inspiring.”

G. Simmons, Graduate course student

Mrs. Koenig is an outstanding educator in the field of literacy. She is an adept staff developer and collaborative partner.

M. Rettaliata, ,Principal

Mrs. Koenig demonstrated creativity and expertise in literacy instruction and has provided leadership in developing training programs for classroom teachers.

R. Wagenberg, Asst. Superintendent for Instruction

It is professional educators like you, who gives so generously of their time, whose benefits to students truly last a lifetime.

Dr. K. Mc Guire, Superintendent of Schools